Valley View is expanding services – here’s what you need to know
December 18, 2023
As we enter 2024, the Board of Directors, along with Senior Leadership, has outlined a path keeping us mission-driven, holding to a high standard of quality of care and services, meeting the needs of current and future residents, and keeping us financially sound into the future.
This path includes four key areas to unify our efforts:
1. Privatization of nursing rooms
2. Enhancement of courtyard and outdoor spaces
3. Continued exploration of residential living cottage expansion
4. The addition of Personal Care Memory Support Services
Q: Why focus on these four?
A: We have used the last year to gather helpful information (through focus groups, a market study, and feasibility assumptions) to inform our decisions on how best to continue meeting the needs of those we currently serve and those in the future.
Q: Why are you decreasing nursing beds and moving to privatizing nursing rooms?
A: We hold to a high standard of care and for that reason, we have determined that 90 beds ensure our ability to hold that standard, meet the needs of Valley View residents, and to continue offering services to the greater community. It is desired for residents to have their own room/space and we are taking steps to make that happen.
Q: Where will you offer Personal Care Memory Support Services?
A: We have a group of Valley View team members working on identifying ways we can best use our existing space without expanding our footprint. We expect more details to come, especially in the new year.
Q: How long will this plan take and when will we expect to see something happening?
A: It is anticipated we will see things well under way in 2024 and the identified four key areas should drive our efforts for the next several years.
Q: Are you using any outside support with these projects?
A: Yes, it was important for us to align with the right partners who not only bring a level of expertise to senior living and redesign, but also an appreciation for our location and those we serve. For this reason, we reen-gaged with RLPS, an architect firm from Lan-caster, who played a key role in the creation of Memory Lane and Rehab as well as helped with the most recent cottage redesign.
Q: What does this mean for team members?
A: As current team members choose to retire or go elsewhere, we continue to seek strong, dedicated members for the Valley View team. We do not anticipate major staffing changes in the future but will continue to evaluate each position as it comes open.
This article is from the Fall 2023 View from the Valley Newsletter. You can see the full issue here: