Spring & Summer 2024 Newsletter

August 8, 2024

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In Valley View’s most recent annual report, Board Chair Sheldon Peachey commented that God is paving the way forward for our campus. This statement could not be truer as we are about to embark on an adventure that will significantly enhance residents’ physical space and expand our service offerings to include Personal Care Memory Support. Although much hard work and planning went into making such decisions, it was equally matched in prayer and faith. Faith reminds us of our values, our purpose, and of the greater good we are all working towards. The next two years hold much excitement and will strengthen our mission, to enrich the lives of older adults in a manner that demonstrates God’s love. 

As you turn the pages of this newsletter, I hope you enjoy the stories of two couples embracing their journeys before coming to Valley View. The adventures of George and Lily Birse making their way from Scotland, being part of Penn State history, and deciding to move to Valley View is captivating. Equally delightful is the story of David and Majorie Petkosh’s first encounter and how it resulted in a life dedicated to public service. Also, we cannot overlook the benefits of supporting and encouraging others as Valley View sponsored a Big Valley Little League team.

In closing, it is hard to believe I have been serving at Valley View for six years. The significance of leading an organization that is connected to a broader community of like-minded individuals with shared beliefs, values, and support of mission is not taken for granted. There is tremendous beauty in helping to pave the way and I, along with residents and team members, look forward to making lasting impacts with you. 

Blessings this summer,

Nicole Sarver


Read each article here, or see the full newsletter below.

George Birse on his love to “sing, sing, sing”

Choosing Valley View: “We were destined to be here”

Longest Day Walk unites community in walk for Alzheimer’s awareness

BeWell Live Learning Kitchen connects food to health

In the community: supporting local sports

Voice & Choice