Recent Posts

December 18, 2023

From the Director of Marketing: WWII nurses, pizza parties, and coming home

This summer, a friend sent me a job post with a note: “This looks like you.” It was for the Director of Marketing at Valley View. “Boy, that looks like a cool job,” was my first thought. My second thought — one that flooded over me — took me by surprise.


December 18, 2023

From the CEO: Blessed to share in the lives of older adults

After the hardships of the last few years, it is exhilarating to be forward-thinking about how we can care for the needs in the greater community, especially those related to dementia care. Over the past year, we have received so many calls from people inquiring about an imminent future need or a current reality that they face, and it will be so good to be able to say that we have space for their loved ones and that we can help.


December 18, 2023

After a military life around the world, Lois Notestine found home at Valley View

When Bob finished his 20 years as Chief Master Sergeant, there was no question where they wanted to put down roots. They wanted to come home, surrounded by their beloved family and the community they loved the mountains and rivers. So, when it came time to find a retirement community, Valley View Retirement Community became a natural extension of home.


December 18, 2023

“God was so good to bring us here”

“I’ve never seen staff at a facility interact with residents like they do here at Valley View,” she said. She said that a recent event made her realize it even more. “During the fall festival, I watched team members pick up garbage, hug residents, and serve so cheerfully. I’ve never seen anything like it before.”


December 18, 2023

From the CFO: Expanding model of care to meet needs in our community

Chief Financial Officer Dennis Peachey is optimistic about the future of Valley View Retirement Community. After weathering the significant challenges that COVID brought to retirement care, he says that Valley View has gained more sure footing and is poised to step into the future to continue what it has always done: enriching the lives of older adults in a manner that demonstrates God’s love.


October 24, 2023

Expansion of services

Valley View Retirement Community celebrated its 55th anniversary with a homecoming celebration and a special announcement: the Life Plan Community plans to make significant enhancements to its nursing areas and to expand their award-winning services in memory care.


March 1, 2023

View from the Valley

Spring 2023

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